When you look to enrol for QRIDE training in Brisbane to get your Queensland motorcycle licence you will be spoilt for choice, there are plenty of QRIDE training schools in Brisbane ,Gold Coast and Ipswich with great motorcycles, competent trainers, ready willing and able to provide you with QRIDE training to the best of their ability.
So why choose MotoDojo for your QRIDE training, well…it’s got not so much to do with what we teach but more to do with how we teach. At MotoDojo we understand the learner as well as we understand the motorcycle. At MotoDojo we know that telling a learner how to ride a motorcycle is not enough, we also know that showing a learner and coaching a learner is not enough. The human mind and body (that would be you) need to go through a repetitive sequenced programme in order to learn a skill.
The more complex the skill the more structured and thought out the training programme needs to be. At MotoDojo when you learn to ride a motorcycle through the QRIDE training programme we take you through a series of sequenced drills that build on each previous skill. Although each skill in its self is quite simple and easy to understand and do, as you progress though the programme you will find that you are riding a motorcycle and that it is easy and you will be well on your way to getting your Queensland motorcycle licence.
At MotoDojo we know that the most important element when riding a motorcycle is feel (input, Feedback), if you have a good feel for the motorcycle you will find it easy to ride and you will find the QRIDE training programme easy. The drills in our training programme are specifically designed to give you the learner a good feel for the motorcycle through a repetitive layered sequence.
Another often overlooked element to feel however, is your state of mind. If you feel nervous that will translate to stiff posture over thinking and a disjointed riding style if however you feel relaxed your riding style will be relaxed and fluid.
When you are enrolled for QRIDE training with MotoDojo to get your Queensland motorcycle licence our primary goal is to ensure that you are relaxed.
We achieve this goal by being easy going, telling a few jokes (we can’t guarantee that they will be funny) and having a laugh. So when you undertake QRIDE training with us feel free to make mistakes and to get things wrong, we already know you will and we’re expecting you to. Correcting errors in riding technique is exactly why we are in business and we are very good at it.
MotoDojo instructors are trained observers we not only know what to look for we know when to look and most importantly we absolutely know how to address any riding issues you have, because we have seen them before and we have addressed them before. At MotoDojo we rely on our understanding of human movement, psychology and our awesome ability to ride a motorcycle to deliver to you a rock solid easy to follow, easy to do, sequenced QRIDE training programme based in science and our own extensive riding experience.
Policies and Procedures
Here at Motodojo we try to make everything as clear as possible, as we will be operating motorcycles both on and off the road there is a chance that something could happen. Please take some time to read over our policies and procedures which will be put in to action if something happens.