Policies and Procedures
Showing up to your course and not being eligible will forfeit your deposit and you will not be able to complete the course, please make sure to check your eligibility here or give the Department of Transport a call to confirm.
Refund Policy
MotoDojo Refund Policy is in accordance with Part 3 of the Fair Trading Act 1989. If for any reason a learner is unable to finish a course that has been paid for, refunds can be discussed with the manager of MotoDojo on their merit . The MotoDojo Manager is responsible for determining whether or not a refund is appropriate. A learner may transfer from one course date to a later date only after notification has been received by phone or e-mail no later than 5 days prior to the original course being conducted, with no penalty being incurred by the learner. If less than 5 days, notice is given and/or after a confirmation of attendance has been made the booking deposit will be forfeited. Learners are required to be present 15 mins before the course starts, learners arriving after the commencement of the course will not be permitted to participate and the booking will be forfeited. We run all of our courses in all types of weather, if extreme cases you will be contacted and we may have to reschedule the course, under no circumstances will we accept any source of weather as a reason for not showing up to a course or you stating that our course should have been rescheduled, only the Motodojo manager will be able to make that decision , not showing up will be a forfeit of your deposit. Any learner found to be acting in a way, which may endanger the safety of themselves, other learners, members of the public or property, may be expelled from the course with no refund. Once the course has commenced and been paid for in full, if the participant chooses to leave the course or not attend the 2nd day, due to whatever reason, you will not be eligible for refund or re-booking. Any act of abuse towards Motodojo or Motodojo staff will end your course and may be reported to the police.
Please note that any refunds issued by Motodojo will incur a $30 processing fee.
Medical Certificates
If you have fallen ill or had an accident we can move your deposit (but will not issue a refund) if it is within the 5 day cancellation policy. A valid medical certificate must be emailed to us at sales@motodojo.com.au and we MUST be contacted by phone prior to the start of the course. Contacting us after the course starts will still be a forfeit of your deposit (extreme cases will be assessed by a MotoDojo manager)
Liability for Damage
The learners will be held responsible for the first $2500 worth of damage they cause to any MotoDojo motorcycle/equipment or third party property. Learners have the option to pay $44 per day to limit their damage liability to $500 basic excess PLUS $200 age excess( age excess for people under 25 years)
To ensure that all learners understand their liabilities they are required to read, or have read to them, the MotoDojo Exclusion of Liability/Indemnity Form which outlines their responsibilities and liabilities while using MotoDojo equipment. After reading this form they are required to then sign, acknowledging that they have read, fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions before participating in the MotoDojo Q-Ride Rider Training Course.
The learner is required to pay for any damage caused under the value of $500 on the day and for damage over $500 within 30 days.
To help communicate this information to potential students, MotoDojo has developed a Learner’s handbook that outlines the above information to learners. This information is also available on the MotoDojo website www.MotoDojo.com.au
Access and Equity
All applicants must have must be able to demonstrate their eligibility for Qride, prior to participation in the Motodojo Q-RIDE training programme. MotoDojo is an equal opportunity training organisation and when informed will assist learners with issues such as physical disability, cultural or language needs and assistance with understanding any written material, alternatively learners can arrange their own assistance, learners must notify Motodojo of any arrangements. No discrimination or leniency will be given to any person no matter what race, gender, religion or sexual preference. All MotoDojo staff are aware of these policies through induction and on-going training.
Grievance and review processes for learners
MotoDojo takes very seriously any grievance or complaint a learner may have about, the product for which they paid, or about how the training was, or is, conducted by MotoDojo. MotoDojo will ensure all efforts will be made to ensure a fair and equitable outcome is reached, through open dialogue and fair negotiation.
Motodojo Instructors are approachable and friendly and are happy to discuss any issues a learner may have with the ART’s conduct or the learner’s results. MotoDojo i ARTs will make every effort to resolve any issues a learner may have at this level. MotoDojo instructors will advise learners of this prior to the start of the course.
If a resolution cannot be reached at the ART / learner level than the learner should document their complaint and submit it to the manager of the MotoDojo Q-RIDE School at; Po Box B4 662 Compton Rd Calamvale 4116, within two weeks. The learner, if they so wish, may contact the manager by phone to discuss the issue directly prior to making any written submissions.
If for any reason a resolution cannot be found at the manager’s level, MotoDojo shall take the necessary action to have a mutually agreed third party take control of the situation through the process of mediation.
Provision of Training Equipment
Motodojo will provide to learners the following equipment:
Australian Standard #1698 helmet displaying the ASA sticker,
A motorcycle jacket made from protective material.
A motorcycle of the appropriate class for their course.
The learner must also wear long pants and closed in shoes.
Learners are encouraged to supply their own protective equipment if it meets the required standard.
The learner may supply their own motorcycle provided it meets the required standards.
Privacy Statement.
Upon enrolment at MotoDojo learners provide the following details on the MotoDojo enrolment forms; Name, address, telephone numbers; personal and work, date of birth, driver’s licence number and email address. During training & assessment, results and training notes are recorded. MotoDojo staff use this information for the purposes of administration and training only. MotoDojo will only release personal details to the individual to whom it applies. Records relating to training and assessment and incident reports will not be released to any members of the public. The Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Queensland Police have authority to access learner records. Any person wishing to have a copy of their records must apply in writing to the MotoDojo Manager at, Po Box B4 662 Compton Rd Calamvale 4116, for these records to be released, learner records can only be given to the learner in person after confirmation of identity. Exceptions to this can be organized if distance is an issue by contacting the Manager by phone, email or post. Learners will have to pay an administration fee for a copy of these records. $60.00 upon request.
If Requested, MotoDojo will declare their policies of not releasing any learner information to any outside parties. Any person wishing a copy of this policy may request it in writing.
Learner records will be stored in a secured area.
All the information listed in standard 2.1 (a) of the registered service providers standards can be accessed by learners on the MotoDojo website and in the learner’s handbook. This information is also available on MotoDojo advertising pamphlets available for enquiries at MotoDojo agents.